How to Install Windows 7 from PenDrive (USB Flash drive)

Today i’ve to install winodows 7 in my Dell Vostro 3400. I collect a Windows 7’s DVD but some days ago i lost my optical (DVD) drive. So i was thinking to install Windows 7 from USB key. I have seen many sites/blogs that have “Install windows 7 from USB” but either with incomplete steps or not working guide. Luckyly I found two guides, one in English and another in Bangla language. Both guide works for me but no details was there about the commands they instruct to enter. So I rewrite the procedure with more details here.

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How to customize CKEditor’s Image dialog Window

I think you already know about CKEditor. If not, you can get details from their site. I only quoted a portion from their site-

CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It’s a WYSIWYG editor, which means that the text being edited on it looks as similar as possible to the results users have when publishing it. It brings to the web common editing features found on desktop editing applications like Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.

It’s a JavaScript application. So if you know how to work with JavaScript, you can do anything with this application. However in most cases you don’t need to touch the core. But i had to modify the core and some configurations to meet my application’s requirement. Though it’s a little change, it tooks a lot of effort for me because of my shortage of JavaScript knowledge. I think you know JavaScript better than me. 🙂

I had to change mainly two things in CKEditor’s Image Dialog winodow. I’ll now share with you how i did these customizations.

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Accessing HTML element from CodeFile/ Code Behind page in ASP.NET

In ASP.NET all HTML elements are treated as text by default. The Parser simply passes them to the client (e.g. Web browser) without processing. So from CodeFile (e.g khaled-info.aspx.cs) we can’t access them.

To make them accessible from CodeFile we need to make them server control by adding an extra attribute runat= “server” to that element. This tells the web server to process the element at page rendering time. The “id” attribute is need to be added to identify the server control. The “id” reference can be used to manipulate the server control at run time.

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Reinstalling Grub-2 bootloader in Ubuntu

Many times I had to reinstall MS Windows XP on my Dell Vostro 3400 where there was already Ubuntu 10.04 installed. So when I reinstall Windows xp, every time I lost the Grub boot menu; This problem occurred since windows overwrite the Grub boot loader with their shitty boot loader and I was unable to start the ubuntu OS. Today I faced the same problem again; So I wish to archive the procedure of recovering grub menu that i followed.

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Patching DYMO-UM in NS-2

From many days I was trying many times to patch DYMO-UM (An implementation of DYMO Routing Protocol by University of Maricos) in NS-2.34 in Ubuntu 10.04 . I follow the instructions that they provide to install at their web-site. I tried to patch before and after installation of ns-allinone-2.34. But I failed each time with different errors.

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